Moving moments move us forward — and what a moving moment it was last night when new Emmy winner, Glenn Weiss, shared that his mother has passed away just two weeks before his win. As sad and as poignant as that moment was, reminding us how precious life is, he followed it up by shocking us (and his girlfriend) by proposing to her. A moment filled with love, joy, and life-affirming connection following a moment of sadness and loss.
Think about it.
How often in your life have you been in pain? In sadness, disappointment, anger or fear? And yet, this is our reminder that life is a fu;l spectrum. The joy and tears are inseparable when we live fully. That’s what living FULLY, with an open heart looks like! As poet Kalil Gibran said, if you choose to seek only the pleasure of love and life, whilst avoiding the pain and fear, “you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.”
That is what made it so powerful last night when Weiss shared his painful loss, then his joyful commitment to love. But there is something you may not know….
He hadn’t planned to propose.
Obviously he must have had some thought of it, because he had the ring with him, but according to Weiss, even though he had the ring proposing wasn’t always the plan, “You can’t come in and plan this. It became [a] thought, and the thought picked up steam,” he said. “That’s how we got here. The timing just lined up very nicely, and it was a really magical moment.”
Think about that.
How often have you made a decision, taken a leap, changed your LIFE based on things lining up powerfully for you? Being moved with deep emotion compels us into actions we often put off, year after year.
Committing to Love. Quitting a job that no longer inspires us. Choosing to have children. Believing in yourself enough to write your first novel.
Whatever it is, these things almost always happen after a deeply moving MOMENT happens.
For Weiss, it was the moment of his Mom passing away, plus the moment of winning the Emmy.
So wherever you may feel stuck in your life or relationships today, what I encourage you to do is FEEL. Feel deeply around whatever major moment is happening in your life TODAY.
Because buried within that moving moment is the ENERGY to propel you forward to a better life — better relationship, better career, better YOU.
It’s time to move forward. To move forwards in a relationship with a man where you can both grow individually AND as a couple.
The moment is NOW.
Much Love,
Tags: barry price, boundaries, breaking the pattern, comitment, confident, consider, considerate, death, disappoint, emmys, emmys proposal, experiences, express, fully expressed, gibran, glenn weiss, kahlil gibran, life decisions, loss, love, marriage, Mom, moment, mother, moving moment, needs, relationship expert, relationship goals, relationships, self-expression, self-love, strong woman
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