To build something positive, we focus on the positive. So today, we’re going to take a moment to focus on what’s great about you, in your dating and relationships. Start by just taking a moment to think back on some of the things that you may have been told by past partners, your current partner, friends or family about what’s great about you — why you’re a catch! Take a moment, and as you think of those things, add anything that you know is true about yourself. If you’re having trouble thinking of them, here are some things to help:
– You can start by thinking about the different ways you give. What are the ways you give to others?
– What are the ways you have given when you’re meeting people; like giving a compliment?
– What are the ways you’ve given when you start dating? Perhaps you’re willing to compromise on where you go for dinner on a date because you’re a compromising person. How have you given in relationships?
– How have you been giving, even towards exes?
– What about strengths other than being giving? Perhaps your strengths are traits such as being fun, honest, responsible, a caring partner, or having compassion.
– What are the things that you bring to a relationship?
– What are the things that you bring into a room when you walk in and start to meet people?
– What are your great, positive traits?
As you think of them now, start to say them out loud (if you can). If you’re driving,or going for a walk in the park, or at home with some privacy, just say, out loud, some of the things that you know are wonderful about you. Things which make you a great partner or potential partner. Openly appreciate yourself for all of the things that make you so deserving of an amazing relationship. Look, we do lots of self-growth work that focuses on healing our wounds and negative patterns, so we can get better, but today we’re celebrating the things that you already do well. These are the traits that you already have, which are amazing and make you a fantastic romantic partner. Make sure to include listing some of those things that make you uniquely you! These could be little idiosyncrasies like, “I decided to learn French even though I’ve never been to France!”, or that you’re really good at painting, or love Kung-Fu movies, even though most of your friends don’t. What are the things that make you, you? One of the things that makes me who I am, is that I’m able to whip up a really delicious, amazing meal out of whatever I happen to find in the kitchen. So, what are your traits and qualities that a partner could (or does) appreciate? Just appreciate that in yourself for a moment.
When I say appreciate, I mean it’s time for you to really feel that appreciation for yourself, not to just think, “Yep, I know I’m very giving.” That’s surface level. Love extends way deeper than that, and this is a self-love exercise to build upon what’s great about you. So, how does it feel to know you have these great qualities? How would you tell someone else you really appreciate them so they could feel it? Tell yourself that way! Take a moment and do it out loud or in your head! Look, this is the actual work; the rubber meets the road when we do this stuff, not just when we passively learn about it. So go ahead, what do you love and appreciate about yourself? What makes you a great partner? Feel how it feels to acknowledge this and take this feeling into your day. A healthy, loving, empowered relationship with yourself is the basis for the healthy, empowered, loving relationship that you deserve.
Have a wonderful day!
Much Love,
Tags: relationships, self-expression, self-love, strong woman, women's empowerment
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