There will be discomfort. Days when you question if anything will ever change. Nights when you’ll wonder if you’ll always be alone. Sometimes you’ll worry you aren’t enough. That something may be wrong with you. Beating yourself up for that time you looked away instead of holding eye contact with a man you wanted to want you. Yearning for love hurts so much sometimes and the hole in your heart can ache so much you can’t stand it. So you may turn it off. Act strong. Impervious to the pain. You’ve done it before — survived. Been tough. You tell yourself you can do it again.
But you don’t HAVE to.
Beneath it all. Beneath the stormy fears and thunderous anxieties which beat your feelings into unbearable waves are truths you have forgotten.
That under this chaotic daily fretting is a serne deep place you’ve forgotten. You lost access to it somewhere along the way. Life’s wounds and cares separated you from what you know to be true.
That you are safe. That you are loved.
That no matter how the boat is tossed and turned by the ferocious storm at the surface of your sea, your wise depths remain unshaken. Unchanging yet everchanging. That you are still the little girl who laughed at the sight of a rainbow. That you are still the young woman who cares and nurtures. That you are the wise maternal strength that persists. Your light still shines inside you. Although dimmed beneath the layers which you use to protect it, it still burns. Your soul and heart have proven unbreakable, despite being broken many times. You still hope, but why? What makes you cling to hope? Is it unreasonable delusion? Madness? Desperation? no… none of those would have carried you this far, across so much hardship to this place of wisdom today in the serene oceanic knowing that you deserve more. Somewhere inside you sense that love is not only your destiny but you DNA. It is your essence, and when you are powerfully in the experiencing of feeling love you feel totally and completely safe.
But maybe you’ve lost touch with the sensation of deep, complete love. Lost the feeling of total and complete safety. Lost complete belief.
Until you slow down. Stop. Dive below the surface with a deep breath and plunge inward to reconnect to your essence. To remind and reacquaint yourself with the sound of your own peals of laughter. Your own joy and delight. Your own gentle, firm, maternal feminine embrace. Within you resides the little girl’s joy. Within you lies the wisdom of the nurturing maternal. Within you lies the infitine well of love that you are a channel to once you trust it’s power.
Is it safe to love again?
Not just a man, specifically, but LIFE. Am I ready to LIVE with love daily? To LOVE myself fully. To love my body. Love my passionate purpose at work. Love sharing who I am with people, even those who don’t get me. Can I love those who cannot open their hearts back for fear. Love those who cannot love, but not dwell in their negation of love. Move my loving energy where it can shine brightest so it illumines the depths of my soul.
Can you love yourself enough to feel safe?
As your word becomes “yes” your cares, your fears, your worries, your loneliness will drop away as your life becomes an expression of love.
And, my dear beautiful girl, there is no safer place to dwell than this.
Much Love,
Tags: anxiety, article, barry paul price, benediction, blessing, blog, dating, dating coach, hope, inner child, little girl, love, not good enough, prayer, right man, self-doubt, self-love, soulmate, spiritual, worry
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