Fastest Way To Feel Confident, Attractive & Raise Self-Esteem
Today I did something that ANYONE can do to quickly raise their confidence and self-esteem, so I shared it in a quick video — watch this… Click below to watch the video! Much Love, Barry
Today I did something that ANYONE can do to quickly raise their confidence and self-esteem, so I shared it in a quick video — watch this… Click below to watch the video! Much Love, Barry
I took some live questions on my Facebook page about why men pulls away, and also why male friends don’t ‘have the balls’ to ask for a real date — Click below to watch the video! Much Love, Barry p.s. – If you’d like to be part of live Q&As and real-time dating scenarios go […]
Today my wife Anna and I took a break in our work-day to connect. At the coffee shop, she told me a dating-story about a single friend that led to us discussing how men are turning into women. Listen to this entertaining story AND why it’s getting harder to find a man who actually acts […]
Today, another real woman just like you tells us how she found the right man! Michele is a smart, powerful, attractive woman who still couldn’t find the right man. Watch this successful single mom share how our coaching attracted the right man and changed her life. Click the video below to watch: Michele, Duluth MN […]
This week’s report is a day late because Anna and I have had her wonderful family down visiting us! Summer is a great time for vacations and visitors but now I am back in full swing so here is what’s happening this week in the dating world that matters most to you and what to […]
Today, on Independence Day, I want to celebrate all you strong, independent women out there with this short video message! Click the video below to hear a special message to you…. the strong, independent women who deserve the right man — So, HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY and enjoy the video! CLICK BELOW TO WATCH Much Love, […]
Something happened to me this morning and it relates to you. As I sat having breakfast at a cafe, I witnessed exactly what causes so many of us, and so many of the women I serve, to go through their lives pushing intimacy away and protecting themselves from being hurt by disappointment. As I sat, […]
Today a single-Mother who had been settling for less in relationships for over thirty years tells us how she broke through the pattern and found the right man! JaneAnn is a successful business owner who still couldn’t find the right man. Watch this successful single mom share how getting coached attracted the right man and changed her […]
Here’s a powerful 10 minute audio of 4 new scientific studies which reveal breakthroughs about men that can radically change your results with dating (if you apply what you’re about to hear, it will help you — so if you wanna stay stuck don’t listen to these 4 breakthroughs). Listen by clicking here: [audio:https://barrypaulprice.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/New-Studies-Reveal-How-Women-Can-Raise-Their-Chances-Of-Attracting-A-Full-Partner-and-Faithful-Man.mp3] Or […]
Dear ‘Experts’ on the Masculine & Feminine… what are you doing?? I humbly submit that you’ve gotten it all wrong. I recently did an interview where I was asked “What’s the difference between masculine and feminine?” The thing is, asking the question, “What defines feminine vs masculine?” is inherently a VERY masculine thing to do! […]