I took some live questions on my Facebook page about why men pulls away, and also why male friends don’t ‘have the balls’ to ask for a real date —
Click below to watch the video!
Much Love,
p.s. – If you’d like to be part of live Q&As and real-time dating scenarios go to my Facebook page, click “Like” then click the little arrow next to Like for a drop-down menu where you can select Notifications “All On” (see pic below)
Tags: ask a woman out, ask me on a date, attract, attraction, barry paul price, barry price, boy, dating, dating coach, dating mentor, finding men, get hurt, hot and cold, intimidating, lose interest, love, male friend, male friends, man, meet, mindset, prevent getting hurt, protect, pull away, pulling away, rejection, right man, safe, safety, soulmate, strong, video, without getting hurt
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