How To Completely Let Go Of “Feeling Like A Failure Because I’m Alone”

I work with a lot of high-acheivers. Women who are successful in every area of their life, except with men, and who often feel embarrassed or frustrated about it. If you’ve ever felt a little pang of self-judgement, or feeling lesser-than because other women have their soulmate and you don’t, then read on — I have the solution for you!

When feelings of failure crop up, there has usually been a trade we made as children where we exchanged our perfection and performance in return for our parents’ acceptance — in short, we came to a faulty assumption that we were worthy of love only when perfect.

The truth is, we are perfect in our imperfection, born as loving babies, and worthy of love intrinsically.

Finding our way back to self-worth predicated NOT on an identity of performance or achievement, but on an INTRINSIC self-worth is a journey into self-love and self-acceptance. This is where the bondage of yearning for others’ acceptance falls away. So, too, do the bonds of attachment to and neediness of others. To anxiety and fear of rejection. To desperation for validation.

This is where we let go of it all and return to ourself.

Today, commit to showing yourself love EVERY TIME you do something that isn’t perfect! Any little mistake, whether it’s spilling your coffee, realizing you forgot something on your To Do list, or even seeing a part of your body in the mirror and cringing because you feel it’s imperfect —

Stop RIGHT at that second and tell yourself…

“I love and accept myself anyways!

I don’t have to be perfect.

I am enough and worthy of love just as I am!”

Practice this consistently ALL day and as you go to bed that night, check in and see if you feel like a failure… or like you are TRULY loved.

Much Love,

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