Women absolutely overthink love… but only as a result of their heart being hurt or sad and their head stepping in as the ‘protector’. Unfortunately the head does a poor job of attracting love. When women move back into their heart (which only happens once you are confident you can create safe boundaries and self-acceptance so you don’t fear rejection) then love can unfold naturally.
Now men, that’s a different situation. Men do love very deeply and forcefully through our hearts… BUT when a MAN is wounded he moves down into his crotch. Where women PROTECT themselves with their mind (over-analyzing dating to avoid being disappointed or hurt again… which then leads to being hurt and disappointed again)… men PROTECT by DISTRACTING themselves with sex.
Sex is a way for men to go through the motions (literally) of being connected to another person, without having to be vulnerable and find out if they are man enough for the woman to love him back.
However, if you can get past the heart’s defenses… in a woman’s case, get past her fear in her mind of being hurt again…. in a man’s case get past the smokescreen of sex he is trying to use so he doesn’t need to feel or connect emotionally…. then two souls can see and feel one another through their hearts… and fall in love.
How are you moving past your mind’s fears today?
Much Love,
Tags: attract, barry paul price, dating, dating coach, dating mentor, disappointment, emotionally-unavailable, hurt, intimacy, love, man, men, pain, ptrotect, safe, vulnerability, vulnerable
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