Have you ever been in a room with four thousand women who believed they could accomplish *anything*? That’s where Anna and I were in July, at the eWomen Network National Conference in Dallas. Four days of empowering speakers inspired and informed, and I thought I’d pass along the best nugget each one had for women so you can use it not just in your love life, but every area of your life.
Lisa Nichols taught us that “No Matter What” you could make a decision to believe in a different life for yourself. In a powerful workshop we released old beliefs and women who’d stopped believing they were worthy of love felt attractive again, Mothers felt they deserved a turn to go pursue *their* dream, and my partner in my group, Caribe, shed tears as she declared for the first time that she was powerful and deserving of being a successful business manager.
John Gray, whom many of you may remember from “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus” made us all laugh with tales of how heroic a man feels for picking up the milk his woman asked him to get, even if it is two days after she asked! He reminded us that men love to feel like a hero for their woman, and to perform tasks for you so long as they are celebrated for them. Even the simple ones. John held an all-night, informal gab-session in the lobby (literally until 5am!) on the last night and I got some great short videos of him talking about men and women. If you’re interested in hearing his insights, drop me an email at barry@barrypaulprice.com and I’ll send you a link to watch them. I don’t want to spread it all over the internet though. This is just a little inside-the-loop treat for those of my readers who want it.
Finally, Brendan Burchard made us ask if the “Charge” had gone out of our life. Where is your energy and enthusiasm level for your life on a daily basis? Are you connected to what moves and inspires you daily? Because if not, you need to look at how you’ve set up your daily life. Being fulfilled, healthy and passionate isn’t something that’s given to us. We have to decide we want it, come up with a conscious plan, and the do the actions that get us there. Brendan, who is a high-performance coach, helped remind me that the role I play in my clients’ lives as a coach goes far deeper than finding a man. It’s about keeping yourself connected to what makes you feel alive and full of love to offer.
What beliefs do you hold about yourself that could be holding you back?
Becoming the best “you” is the most attractive thing in the world.
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