This idea that there are specific places which inherently are best to meet men misleads many women into getting frustrated (“Where are all the good men? I can’t find them!”). The truth, in my strong opinion, is that where you meet the right man depends entirely on the woman who is asking the question — who she authentically is, and how she can best use her nine environments of her life to be her best self. That may sound confusing, but here’s what I mean. I had one client meet a man at a plant nursery because she had a goal of having a vibrant garden and so she went to buy some plants… she was improving herself, and thereby met a man who suited her just by living her daily life authentically. I wouldn’t tell every client ‘you should go to a plant nursery’. Now, obviously you cannot have a vision where you isolate yourself entirely and expect to meet ANYONE, let alone the right man, so those nine environments do need to allow the possibility of being around people!
Another client worked on her body and nature environments by getting out for a daily walk around her neighborhood, and ended up falling in love with a neighbors brother whom she would never have met unless she’d started living as the woman she wanted to be in all nine of her environments. I’ve seen women meet their match many different ‘places’ but the *consistent* thing in all those cases was that she was in that place because it was part of her authentically doing something that fit her pursuit of becoming the woman she aspired to be (and already was, deep down).
The answer to “Where do you meet the right man” isn’t really a place, then… it’s about a vision for yourself, then consistent actions to follow through on that vision. Want the right man? Craft your vision for yourself, then the plan to make it happen.
And THAT’S no b.s.
Much Love,
p.s. – If you want to learn more about using the Nine Environments to help your soulmate find you, so you don’t have to find him, watch the free replay of my webinar training here — http://datemennotboys.com/webinarreplay11/
Tags: dating, dating coach, dating mentor, dating tools, love, myself, plan, relationshop, self-discovery, soulmate, tools, vision, where, where to find the right man, where to meet man
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