The Single, Powerful Question That Attracts The Right Man

You’ve been asking the wrong question. At some point or another, the question “Why don’t I have a man? The *right man*?” has crossed your mind. Maybe it was as you attended yet another wedding and watched the couples joy, feeling like you were missing out on something you *know* you’re meant to have too. Maybe it was after yet another disappointing date or failed relationship with someone who turned out to be a boy, not a man.

But the question “Why don’t I have the right man?” will NEVER lead you to the right man — It carries the seed of a negative feeling, the feeling of the loss of hope. Lead to more negative questions like, “Why can’t I find him?” or even worse, “Is there something wrong with me?”. Once discouraged, you can’t be at your best, you can’t be truly attractive at a soulmate-level. In fact, once you’re discouraged you may not even want to go out and meet people and have to force yourself to care about getting dates.

So STOP ASKING “Why don’t I have the right man?”

Instead you want to ask…

“Why SHOULDN’T I have the right man?”

Why *shouldn’t* you believe, have faith to the point of *knowing* in your bones that your soulmate *is* out there and that he is about to find you?!

So here’s an exercise to invite the “Why SHOULDN’T I?” feeling into your daily life: Get out a pen and a piece of paper. THen get comfortable and close your eyes. Imagine what your life will be like when you finally have the right man for you. What will you do that you’ve been putting off because you haven’t had his support and partnership? What would you do on a Saturday night together? What can you see and feel yourselves sharing on a quiet Sunday morning? What trip would you take together? What challenge or leap might you finally take in your business? What would change in your life by having a man supporting you in health, wealth and happiness? Picture it all, then open your eyes and write it all down. Write down the vision of the life you desire, deserve, and know you CAN have because honestly….

Why SHOULDN’T you?

Much Love,

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