Getting A Man Who Will Grow With You

Finding a man who gets you and will grow with you in body, mind, spirit, finances, and sexuality. Dating and relationship mentor and expert Barry Paul Price shows single women how to find a great guy for a lasting, fulfilling relationship with passion, emotional intimacy and fun. This is a whole, holistic type of relationship where he can keep up with you in all areas.

You want to start eating healthier, but he is resistant. You have your finances moving forward to build the future you want, while he is still floundering around. You are getting more in touch with your authentic self and going to self-development events that he wants no part of. Or perhaps your feminine sexual fire is awakening (and hungry!) but your safe, steady guy isn’t matching your spark. Whatever it is that’s lacking or lagging in your partner right now, know that you *do* deserve a *whole* relationship.

That means having the type of man who really gets you, and grows with you. A guy who doesn’t resist or roll his eyes at your newest healthy eating habit, but actually says, “Great, let’s go to the organic Farmer’s Market together!” A man who loves to plan how your money will grow and provide for both of your dreams, not just find ways to spend it on short-term fun and distractions. A guy who is sexy in a soulful way, and makes you feel simultaneously worshipped, and deliciously consumed at the same time when he
sweeps you away to the bed, or bathtub, or beach under the stars. A man who can keep up with you in life. A true partner.

How can we attract such a beautiful, full-feeling relationship? The first step is in turning our focus onto ourselves and seeing where we are not living in wholeness. Where in your life today are you living in lack, or being less than you know you are capable of being? Have you let your body go, just feeling too tired after the demands of your business? Have you been avoiding the actions that will grow your business? Or perhaps you haven’t allowed yourself to express your emotions, pushing them down and ‘being strong’ to deal with a stressful situation with a co-worker, friend, or family member? have you stopped journalling, meditating or doing something else that used to help you feel calm, centered and confident?

Locate where in your life you are settling for being less than you can be. Root it out and shine the light of self-honesty on it. Then ask yourself, “Do I feel I deserve all the joy, all the love, all the rewards life is offering me? Am I ready and willing to do the work to have what’s possible for me?”

If your inner voice says ‘Yes” then make a commitment to yourself. Commit to following through on taking action in that area that’s
holding you back. Once you begin to honor yourself again, you will feel a renewed connection to yourself. More love, faith, confidence and self-trust will energize the other areas of your life. You will become radiant in your everyday life and activities. Radiant in a way that will attract a man who is glowing in his own wholeness. A complete man whose heart, mind and spirit are as open and ready to share as his abundant finances and sexuality are.

When two such people meet, the result is an unsurpassing, ineffable love. Two truly authentic people, who are their best versions of themselves, will unite in a powerful, lasting relationship. All we have to do is love ourselves well first.

Wishing you whole-hearted living and love,

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~ Buddha

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